On the first of May 2017, Larry Warren posted a status update on his Facebook profile page. The post was set to friends only and seeing as we don't really have any in common now it took five days to get to me. Why he didn't post it publicly is beyond me. But then so is everything else he does.
So five days after I posted my blog, Open Letter to Peter Robbins, I received Warren's 'opened lettuce' to me. It's mostly totally insane gibberish but a few things can be understood. All of it lies of course.
He accuses me amongst other things of falsifying Adrian Bustinza's comments on the radio show? Possibly the post I wrote a year ago entitled Left Out at East Gate? Maybe he means the comments he made in the Facebook CNN group where Adrian had a conversation with John Burroughs stating he didn't see Warren at all during the Rendlesham Forest Incidents? Maybe you can figure it out. Drop me a line if you do.
Good luck, here it is.
An opened Lettuce to Young, Christie, Dunlop and the lil fella Welsh.........i truly have better things to do in this short life that To have to publicly CORRECT you idiots once again...but correct you i will. i not on the very day of The truth confrence Both young and Christie took to the keyboard as per usuall and over welmed us with whatthey do oh so well............BS , distortion and Tears............Its a bitch when the buck stops folks eh! im just going to cover a few points today as these people ..and those that accept what they Type are simply after ATTENTION.............and will do ANYTHING to get it!..well folks you once again have mine..Christie, i Did NOT turn you into the benifits people...may i note YOU post every issiue in your life for ALL to read in your MANY FB accounts and Blogs..............i know you have made yourself some big enemeys over the last many years do to all the low end shit you create about folks.to include myself. you should know i, they , we see all of your posts and have them all in orig form.as you like to post.find you are totally wrong then re edit to suit..........your not fast enough......but no i did not report you to any one..your life is open to all.and ALL aint your cultists.Trust that. other things you wrote about me can wait, But clearly you know i dident just attend Basic training and then get kicked out of the USAF...does that work for your net cult of clowns.? silly girl....i suspect YOU also Falsafide the Bustinza interview in your FALSE quotes by him......not supprised that JB is also in on that....hes a silly boy. Young, Ive never encountered an EGO such as yours..you sir are a REAL FRAUD.........you pose in pictures with people of not in the subject and.as ive been told by one of your "friends" you also claim to manage them......your full of shit mate.......Lets talk about STOLEN tapes you are posting as owned by Dot Street........sir your are starting to anoy me.tell you friend in the suffolk PD please.....Question.has Peter Robbins Made you his uk spoksperson in the uk..........i think not...........Further YOU have Zero idea about our issiues........you dont like my book.great .i dont want you to like it , as its author does not like you. id one to one with you ANY day to discuss my views about you............as for putting your address out......i did not..........tho i do have it.Remember back when you started sniffing around the subject a few years back....you sent me Halts Woodbridge talk on CD......on it is not only your address but your phone aswell..Sad clown mate.......and like all folks of your ilk.you wont be around the subject very much longer.can ya feel your small world getting smaller?...Further, You and your Net stalkers are Actually banned from ANY Truth gigs.not you refusing to go......must be more BS dust for your net cult eh ? Lets talk about the Cese and Disist letter i sent to you and the other Three names listed in this post.......... Christie might wish to read this part too ? My Lawyer Did NOT dump me nor this ONGOING case.......YOU PEOPLE received a LETTER BEFORE ACTION ! and thats Just what i hired Him to do with just a few examples of all four of you "peoples" slander and defamation noted on them. The lawyer is also a friend of many years....had never seen folks act like you four did upon receipe of said letters......(you recall that Christie and others called the law office so often that the firm had to block you all.......and it was the firm that nearly made your actions a police action...thats the fact..and no , i did not seek nor did i receive legal aid........its my money that paid for the letters. your clearly not a dumb man.but your not very smart.the next step is the four of you defending your slander in court......i dont think you can.but if you all dont show....well thats contempt.good luck with that mate? Hey .you will see liverpool after all i guess ! lol,,,dont play me the fool folks.now one last thing...it was ME that asked Ben to post all four letters .minus Addresses......and no addresses were posted...my mistake and my brief gave me an earfull..in the state i can post them....lesson learned..happy i did it tho as you folks really do put alot of effort into painting yourselves a Lil Victems when the heat gets hot !..........Bless...........and to the wee lil fella in glasgow............i feel for you .your rather sad..........your other pal in the same town is the same....lil woman with a lap top........all of you are parasites and attach to well known folks whom have EARNED our place in this subject.............to me your a bunch of gypos.move in..........Dump shit.then move off or get run off.............so if you want to go at me i posted the letters.......folks know it, thus one less lie from your fightin fingers.........and have a very good day...and get of Bens back..................i dig a good brawl.ya up for it ? lol Larry warren.EX 81st SPS Ben Emlyn-Jones
So let’s have a look at the few bits we can decipher.
"Christie, i Did NOT turn you into the benifits people...may i note YOU post every issiue in your life for ALL to read in your MANY FB accounts and Blogs"
He did ‘turn me in to the benefits people’. Not
only did the person repeat everything said in the post below, they also gave
all of my childrens names and other personal information that only he knew.
Very few people knew our address, now everybody knows it. I don’t put all my personal information online
but I have done recently, only after HE put all my personal information online.
The reasons I did that was to show you
what a lying shit he is.
He also openly admits to having people stalking my Facebook
posts and saving them all, including the edits. Well it’s funny that he accuses
me of doing that yet it took five days until this post of his got to me. He says
I edit posts and change things but I am not fast enough. Fast enough for what?
The posts are all set to ‘public’, all edits can be read by everyone. All you
have to do is click edit history... !!
I hide nothing. So an
admission he has people stalking my pages and saving all of my posts. Yet he
screams like a bitch that I am doing the same. I think that has been debunked with the five
day delay don’t you?
![]() |
"It is in the best interests of himself and the United States Air Force". Honourable discharge? ! |
He then say’s he didn’t get kicked out just after basic
training. Erm.. Yes he did. He landed in the UK for the first time on the 1st
of December 1980 and finished his basic training there. He was thrown out the following May. He calls himself an ex veteran. Forgive me if
I am wrong but you are not a veteran after less than a year in service and have
done nothing but cause so much grief the Air force are glad to see the back of
you. There are laws against exaggerating
your service.
" silly girl....i suspect YOU also Falsafide the Bustinza interview in your FALSE quotes by him......not supprised that JB is also in on that....hes a silly boy".
This is my favourite part. He accuses me, a silly girl aged 46, of falsifying the Adrian Bustinza and falsified quotes from
him. This is literally impossible. When
Warren lived with us he was constantly asking me if I had heard the show. I
hadn’t. It was then uploaded onto YouTube
and I listened to it after Warren was kicked out of our home. HOW can I
falsify/alter/edit that? The link on my blog goes straight to the channel of
the person who uploaded it. I haven’t uploaded it, it is embedded.
I couldn’t have altered or falsified any comments he made
either. He made them to John Burroughs in the CNN documentary group. A group I am not a member of. I was sent
them by someone the following day. This is a perfect example of what he has
done all along. When i present something someone else has put out into the
public domain he says I have done something to it to set him up.
Quite clearly the complete opposite is true. He has accused me of falsifying and tampering
with absolutely everything. He says I
faked his photos, god knows how, HE uploaded them onto Facebook. What he is trying to do is set ME up to make
it look like I set him up.
The only comfort I can take from that is that in doing so,
he is saying that he knows full well all of his evidence is tampered with and
he needs me to be blamed for it. Even
though absolutely everything I have said is repeated.
It’s all available on the net, including his
auction sales history. Once you know how
to look, you find him everywhere. All
said in various books, magazines, emails that are online, Warrens own Facebook
posts and rants. It’s all already out
there. I am just finding all his lies
and showing you his several versions of them.
Read You Can’t Tell The People by Georgina
Bruni. That is the absolute truth of him
and that book was written almost two decades ago. Check UFO-Updates for the emails from Kevin
Randles and James Easton and the uploads of Hot Gossip Magazine which was Georgina's
publication. These issues go right back
to day one of him opening his mouth.
"Lets talk about the Cese and Disist letter i sent to you and the other Three names listed in this post.......... Christie might wish to read this part too ? My Lawyer Did NOT dump me nor this ONGOING case.......YOU PEOPLE received a LETTER BEFORE ACTION ! and thats Just what i hired Him to do with just a few examples of all four of you "peoples" slander and defamation noted on them. The lawyer is also a friend of many years....had never seen folks act like you four did upon receipe of said letters......(you recall that Christie and others called the law office so often that the firm had to block you all.......and it was the firm that nearly made your actions a police action...thats the fact..and no , i did not seek nor did i receive legal aid........its my money that paid for the letters. your clearly not a dumb man.but your not very smart.the next step is the four of you defending your slander in court......i dont think you can.but if you all dont show....well thats contempt.good luck with that mate"?
Bring it on.
He then starts going on about court again. He is taking me to court to prove I tampered
with his online information and activities just as he is claiming I tampered
with Adrian’s words. His solicitor asked
us all for responses. We gave him a response and then we asked him a couple of
questions. His time is money and warren
would have had to pay for all of it.
In reality he wanted us to be silenced and spent money on
doing so with threats of court for slander... LIBEL he means. Only the truth is never libel. I am still waiting to hear from the court, we
all are and we are all happy to attend.
More than happy actually, the prospect excites us. In fact we actually wish he would hurry up
and get on with it. He see’s swerving
having his documents looked at as a victory.
For free too... He would rather spend money trying to silence us using
lies than he would prove his documents are not tampered with.
"to me your a bunch of gypos.move in..........Dump shit.then move off or get run off.............so if you want to go at me i posted the letters.......folks know it, thus one less lie from your fightin fingers.........and have a very good day...and get of Bens back..................i dig a good brawl.ya up for it ? lol Larry warren.EX 81st SPS Ben Emlyn-Jones"
This bit he is calling us a bunch of ‘gypo's’ which means
gypsy and is a racist comment because he is using it as a derogatory term. He is also saying he will run us off or fight us in a brawl. This is the man a few breaths earlier says he
is taking us to court. This is
definitely the behaviour of a man preparing himself to look squeaky clean in
front of a judge as he pleads my insanity.
"So you're honor, I told the silly little girl I'd put her windpipe through her spine and end her life and she wouldn't shut the fuck up, so I decided top get a gang of useful idiots to trash her, put her private mail online, threaten her life, she won't shut up so I need you to believe that that reflection of me is her and we are good to go".
I am not obsessed, I am thorough
in my collation of his own words and epic man fails by the man himself all throughout
his career. Something he wants to use
to make me look like some sad woman, but it is to detract from the fact that I
know him well, he lived in our home and he was my friend willingly for ten
whole years. He also refers to me as a
silly little girl, Alyson and I are lil’ women and we say he is a sexist, out
of date, egotistical, racist, misogynistic bully.
If the truth is cultish then we are a cult. If it means something else then no we are not
a cult. We are ex supporters who stuck our necks out for him many times and not in minor ways either.
Also the get off Ben's back bit is pure hilarity after his 12 blogs five radio shows and endless whimpering. I am not on his back he is on mine, with Warren and the gang of merry meat heads.
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